Happiness @ Work Coaching
Happiness @ Work Coaching
“There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.”
– Henry Ford
The Happiness Studio has developed “Happiness @ Work” Coaching Models on the basis of 6 years of research; identifying client’s needs and meeting the client’s expectations.We have found that there is a striking correlation between what makes employees happy and their productivity. Thus, staffs that enjoy good working relationships, receive proactive career development, feel valued by the organization and well treated in times of change are likely to be contributing the most to a business. Furthermore, they become ambassadors for the organization, sending out positive messages to the outside community and enhancing the employer brand. A ‘happy’ employee is definitely a positively engaged employee who will not only improve the working environment but also increase revenue.This research based fact clearly reinforces the quote by Henry Ford.
Our “Happiness @ Work” Coaching Models:
(These models are customized as per the need of the client and its application)
1. Happiness Inventory (H.i.)
- H.i. is an online/ offline test developed to identify happiness & unhappiness factors of professionals in the corporate sector. This inventory was developed as a result of 6 years of research. Happiness Inventory is a diagnostic tool that covers 164 factors of happiness and unhappiness @ work across three dimensions namely Individual, Social/family and Organizational and takes about 45 minutes to attempt. This test is first of its kind in India and is copyrighted in India as well as USA. Considered as a starting point for OD Interventions, this inventory is useful for identifying training needs, preparing individual development plans and working out organization development initiatives.
2. Individual Happiness Coaching
- This is the next step once you have attempted Happiness Inventory. Based on the report generated, the team works on finding out the true reasons behind the responses. This develops a need to carry out a counseling session, where in Happiness Studio guides the clients by showing them ways towards achieving individual happiness. The studio helps an individual to build a happiness plan towards creating and following a routine to happiness.
3. Career Planning & Work Issues Counseling
- It provides support to individuals over the myth that career development is just about deciding a major and is a one-time process. Happiness Studio helps individuals withtheir career planning by assisting in building logbooks. This kind of counseling also helps an individual to deal with work pressure, issues with boss, deadline pressure, coping up with power play at work and many more.
4. Training Need Identification (TNI) for Employee Engagement & OD Interventions
- ‘Happy and positively engaged employees deliver 60% more quality work.’
Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an employee's emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization, which profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at work. Happiness although a subjective concept, it’s not difficult to see that employees who judge themselves to be ‘happy’ in their work, will be more productive and perform better than those who admit to being ‘unhappy’.
An "Engaged Employee" is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their work, and thus will act in a way that furthers their organization's interests. Moving on with the same concept, Happiness Studio helps an individual and organization achieve growth and happiness,helps you to develop a training calendar with full content, deliver workshops and create OD Interventions.
5. General Happiness Audit
- Audit based on the concept that an organization is as happy as its employeesand happy employees make an effective contribution at work place. General Happiness Audit involves generating executive summary report followed by recommendations and action plan. The audit process is carried out in three basic steps: manpower audit, administering Happiness Inventory and analyzing and planning.
6. Happiness and Stress Audit
- This gives emphasis on stress audits along with the required happiness audits. The audits are carried out checking the Stress Tolerance Limit (STL) with the help of psychometric instruments in terms of anxiety proneness, depression proneness, and similar instruments. Happiness Studio helps identifying the dominant organizational role stress dimensions.The qualitative data on stress is collected and on the basis of the results remedial measures are suggested to the organization for implementing suitable modification and changes in activities & practices in the organization.
7. Comprehensive Happiness Audit
- [OUR FLAGHSIP SERVICE – call 9909420072 for a free 3 hour demo on ‘Happiness@ work’ session]
This is an all round comprehensive package that includes managing expectations of employees, establishing the need, setting the platform through a 3 hour demo session on ‘Happiness @ Work’, followed by counseling sessions and workshops / OD interventions. It is a corporate service, which is carried out for specific set of people/ department. To develop a better understanding the individual reports are prepared, also 6 additional tests to determine stress, anxiety, anger levels, personality types etc. are used.Participants are guided to prepare individual development plans apart from the inputs received through workshops. Here Gestalt Psychology based tools are also used.
If you wish to Cultivate Happy Work Culture then the starting point is carrying out a comprehensive happiness audit. This will be a ‘development’ approachto help organizations and its employees nurture happiness at work.
Email your requirements to drchoosehappiness@gmail.com or call Dr. Yogesh Pahuja on 9909420072 (M).