Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills
- To help the participants acquire skills for organizing, sequencing and delivering good
presentations in their own business area. - To reduce the fear factor of making presentations.
No. of participant
- Min. 20 –max 25
Suitable for:
- Professionals with 3-4 years of experience min. who need to frequently make presentations to their department heads or board of directors.
Contents of the workshop
- Commitment to self.
- Pre- presentation preparation (audience, objective and purpose)
- Contents and design preparation (research, sequencing, material and retention techniques)
- Delivery preparation (verbal and non-verbal aspects ,preparation techniques ,handling Nervousness reducing fears, use of visual aids)
- Video recording of presentations
- Video feedback of the presentations done
- Short film on presentation skills
- An interactive method will be used.
- Training aids like LCD multimedia projector, white board, chart paper and marker pens for group exercises and also the video recording for the immediate feedback will be used exclusively
Email your requirements to
Our other offerings
- Employee Engagement for Happiness @ Work
- Appreciating for Business;
- Communicating for Business
- Customer Service Communication
- Effective Team Counselling
- Effective Interviewing Skills
- Negotiation Skills
- Performance Appraisal
- Stay Positive & Tough @ work
- Team Skills & Accountability
- Communication at work