Happiness inventory

Happiness inventory

Happiness inventory is a diagnostic tool that covers 164 factors of happiness and unhappiness at work place across 3 dimensions namely individual, social/ family and organizational.

The happiness inventory has been developed through Empirical research scientifically based on a research spanning 5 years. The sample size cumulative was over 800+ consisting of professionals from manufacturing and service centre and in the age group of 22 to 60 years.

The inventory contains about 164 statements and takes about 30-45 minutes to attempt. After attempting the happiness inventory one can identify the factors/ reasons for happiness or for unhappiness at work place. It therefore becomes a diagnostic tool and a starting point for several interventions such as pre-recruitment assessments, individual counselling, organizational and individual career orientation, Training need identification, Happiness audit, Stress Audit and much more.

The H.I. is based on the 3D model of Happiness.

  • An inventory of 160+ questions.
  • Takes up to 45 minutes to fill in.
  • Can be administered in groups.
  • Identifies factors for an employee being ‘happy’ and ‘unhappy’ at work.
  • A diagnostic tool and a starting point for most OD / HR interventions.
  • Developed through research.
  • Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.88 – 0.94

To begin, Click Here to attempt Happiness Inventory and obtain your happiness report.


Email your requirements to drchoosehappiness@gmail.com


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